Voted Best Vet Clinic of Monona, Best of Madison, and Star of Madison!
Voted Best Vet Clinic of Monona, Best of Madison, and Star of Madison!
Formal name
Bosco James Fry
Bossy Bear, Jamers, or Bosco James.
Favorite treat:
A Good ol' Raw hide bone
Favorite activity:
Fetching ball in the water.
Favorite season:
Best friend(s):
His Momma 🙂
What his catchphrase would be if we could understand what he said
"Don't play with me Hooman!" With his head cocked and his ears boxed out.
If he had a human job, what would it be:
Bosco is a manual labor kind of dog! He'd be in the trades for sure. Maybe a Drywall contractor or work on the Railroad.
Any other fun tidbits for his profile?
Bosco has fur like a rabbit. We believe he may not have grown his over coat... ever. He is the softest dog you will ever pet. I say that with confidence. Bosco is a very unique silver Labrador.